Writers' Rough Drafts
What's the only thing that keeps a rough draft from becoming a published piece? Publishing it! We're here to help you get your rough drafts published (after you've done a lot of revision work to make them fantastic, obviously!) on some of your favorite websites, publications, and journals. Every Monday morning tune in to your podcast player of choice to get a new interview with an editor or content manager on exactly how they like to be pitched so you can land your next big byline.Even better? You can download a special How to Pitch Cheat Sheet for each episode with extra details and information to get your writing published in the places you've always dreamed of.
Writers' Rough Drafts
Writers' Rough Drafts with Anne Janzer - Episode 062
Elisa Doucette
Season 5
Episode 62
Anne Janzer is an author and writing coach who studies the creative process and a writer’s place in it. She has written multiple books on the topic and consults with some of the top tech and SaaS companies on the web, offering content and copy that brings their message to readers. Visit craftyourcontent.com/episode62 for links and resources.